
21-69 Main St. Cherry Valley, MA 01611

Transform your ideas into visually appealing, custom designs that make a statement. Contact us today to bring your vision to life!


Our embroidery service provides a professional and customized way to enhance apparel, accessories, and textiles with unique and visually appealing designs.

Screen Printing

Screen printing offers durable, high-quality prints suitable for large orders and designs with vibrant colors. It's a versatile printing method commonly used for promotional items, apparel, signage, and more.

Direct To film

Direct to film services offer precise, high-resolution stencils that result in sharp and detailed screen prints. This method is commonly used for designs with fine lines, intricate details, and multiple colors, making it suitable for a wide range of applications in the screen printing industry.

Enhance your Brand Recognition

Elevate your brand, team, or event with our bespoke custom apparel embroidery service. We blend precision craftsmanship with artistic flair to transform ordinary garments into extraordinary statements.

Follow us on Instagram to stay updated on our custom projects!

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We'll do the rest.

Where The Sky
Is The Limit!

Reach out today to learn more about what Phoenix Marketing & Advertising Inc. can do you for today.

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